Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Raining Wednesday

I back to write something on my blog. A day whereby i suppose to off but i still need to back to work coz of implant case whereby other staff dont know how to run as a running nurse during implant as well as my colleague signal when she need one to do something. Coz doing implant is totally need to be clean, whereby nurses and doctors gloves need to be free from thing that are not autoclave before. Bt alas, today no implant is done due to plan change. Patient had a tooth that is slanted whereby it will block the way the implant screw to place in.

I must thank my friend who help mi to configure my laptop during last weekend. Thank dear. Thank for helping and even install a whole lot songs be it oldies or pop, i appreciate so much. You add life to my laptop. Once again thank you. Will buy sweets for you the next time when we meet up again to put in your car.

Sometime i really hope some one will come and say some words to motivate mi staying on my current workplace. Be it a tap on my shoulder and say; Pearlina, you did your best, doesnt matter if in between thing goes wrong, learn from it. Or simply juz a warm hug from my friends without saying anything from their mouth. That would be enough! Some time i feel like a idiot when it come to work. Or i totally no mood to work at all.

Shall end here.

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