Thursday, May 1, 2008

Is it true? I nt sure....

Something that my colleague talked to mi on tuesday when i working with her. After we settle our patient and work, we sit down and chit chat.While chatting halfway, she asked mi how come i didnt heard you going out with your boyfriend and friend at night as i am still young? At my age, i should be enjoying night life and plan when to settle down? Beside work and study that what she know that these two are my daily routine in life. I understand she is being concern. After hearing, i keep quiet for a while... and i repiled back to her. I said i a low profile person, even if i got bf i guess only family and the friends that i always meet up will know. I do meet up with my usual gang of friends at times for movies,drinks and fun. And i told her that it not that i dont want to. Finding a boyfriend is not that easy as going to a market and buy vegetables. Of cz i do hope to find myself a bf too. She asked me, then you can asked your friends to intro guy to you right? Having saying that, i told her i heard people saying this to me a few times, i dont take it to heart. Leave it to fate.

After that she asked me to show my palm to her, if i dont mind. Of cz i wont. After seeing she said not bad lor but to let course take it nature. Bt too much worry in mind. Asked me to expand my circle of friends will help me in a certain ways. I say will try to expand my circle of friends.

After talking to her, my mind is nt stable. Is seem like it hit the nail! i know i learnt something after my last r/s some time back. Why of all the time when my mind seem to calm down and yet being poison by other! Haiz. Feel so insecure. I thought my mind is calm down wont get affect by what other say, bt alas it is nt!! Stupid Pearlina!!