Sunday, March 1, 2009

It been a long time since i last came in to blog. Been very busy at work and studies. Exam coming soon. Recently a few things happened. Kind of make me sad. I received a bad new from one of my dear fren whom now at United State. Her Hubby pass away on valentine day! A shocking new to me! I get to know that her hubby had been coma for 2 weeks since he admitted in US hospital. My Friend informed me when i saw her online during mid january. I been listening to all her problem that she face, telling her to look on the bright side, even though stituation is really bad for her hubby. I feel sad and my heart sank when i received msn from her! For a moment, i actually dont know what to do to comfort my fren. She had not shed a tear since her hubby pass away. I know she is feeling sad, depressed and yet have to appear strong in front of others. She lost her best friend and partner that she doesnt want to. Gosh! Heaven played a trick on them. I admit that i was affected by this new and lost my mood in doing things. She will be back around mid march or april. I hope i got a chance to meet up with her. Even though i cant do much, juz hope to give her my morale support to stay strong!

Juz recent saturday, my mood is totally gone! I got to spent money to get a NEW HP cz my hp dropped into the toilet bowl, cant function anymore! Urgh! I actually in the rush of going to school for my revision as my work being delayed. I actually forgot that i put my hp in the pocket of my jean..... Urgh!! What a day!