Wednesday, May 28, 2008

27th May 2008

I'm back again. Last week is a hetic week for mi @ work. Me and my colleague can treat our working place as our home. We were so tired till we dont feel like going home that night. The following day, i suggest to my boss to add more helping hands when there's a section of orthdontics. I wonder hw i can manage counter, taking xrays, washing and casting of models. Thanks god, my colleague manage to help me to cast some as i too bz with all the things.

Yesterday was a busy day for me. The moment i step in the clinic, i bz all the way till lunch hour. 1 thing i find it damn idiot stupid that happen at the other clinic, that is playing with politic!! Basket!@$%& Are they too free or they are asking for a punch from pple?! Thing are so simple and pure, and yet things can so complicated juz by some1 twisting the words!! Damn it! $%@!

From its incident, although i am nt the one who kena it, but i will train myself up to a better person and not to let pple have chance to arrow mi. I dont wish to put a damn serious face with them.Cz my colleague actually saw mi in a serious mode, and she comment mi as a black face women. haha.