Thursday, April 17, 2008


Finally,today is my off day! I always look forward to my off day, whereby i can dont bother so much regard to work! It is reali a IDIOT AND ANNOYING THINGS!! Just 2 days ago, which is on tuesday, early morning i kena a stab by sum1 in work. My colleague called up on monday asking mi hw much to charge for a home kit whitening and a tray for patient to bring home and used? As i was not so sure, i just say mayb it $350 or so, bt i say to my colleague that i will ask boss abt it. As monday was damn buzy in the clinic, i hardly gt a chance to ask my boss abt the charges. So i ask my colleague who is working with mi, she also nt sure and inform me to ask boss first! I say ok.

The nxt morning, i get it! I didnt even had a chance to ask my boss, my colleague called up and ask if boss around? I say he had not reach yet. So she called up my boss, askin if the kit cost $350 or wat? As my other colleague told the the patient it's that amount. And inform others that i the 1 who told her the price!!! Can u believe it???? Of cz, my boss question mi. Bt i dont rem that i told thm it's that actual amount as i rem i told my colleague will double cfm with boss!! Indeed at that moment, i reali i so fared up! So i boom my fren hp to vent out my fraustration in a cool way. And i keep quiet by nt saying out the truth cz it wont help, as it will only blow things up!!

My fren asked mi if time could turn back, what will i want to do? The first thing that come out from my mouth is look for a better job! And not staying in this line again!! I regret.

Oh ya, i encounter something on tuesday too,it's nt a bad thing i should say. 1 of my patient who actually went to buy an medicated oil for flu for mi to used. I quite shocked cz the patient actually left the clinic and come back again. I wanted to return the money but patient went off not wanting to collect the money from mi. So paiseh. My colleague make fun of mi. :(