Thursday, April 3, 2008

3th April 08

Finally finished drawing up my resume which i trying to improve. My past resume reali suck. I asked my friend to help by taking a look and correct me if there is any mistake or things to add on. I hope once i have settle the resume, i will start applying online and go thru newspapers. Hope everything goes smooth. I understand that looking for a job that i have no much experience in is nt easy,but i willing to try and learn new thing..... hope the company will grant me a chance for an interview. Althou i am attending course that is related to it.

Yesterday was Huiling Bday. We meet up @ amk to celebrate for her. Well, i must say it is a laughing day for us. From 1 topic, we can actually goes into design of a house, going for a short trip etc.... and of cz "disturbing pple" as well. haha.... that's the fun part! :p I am looking forward to part 2 whereby the rest actually going to buy mahjong table for huiling. hmmm, that seem fun. Then i can learn hw to play mahjong( althou i think i may nt b that clever to pick up the skill so fast.)