Saturday, May 17, 2008

It is so fragile

As what i have quoted on my title. It is so fragile. Everything in this world is fragile. Be it relationship, friendship, kinship etc it is just a fine line in between. U can choose to protect it or mess it till the line is no longer there.

I truely came to understand one sentence, "Certain thing in life, you cant make it known to yr ex or person that you wanted to let the person know." Coz you will not know what will happen after the person who known abt it. The friendship may not be there anymore or both of them may not even contact each other. I truely understand how it feel..... It's better to hide everything or better is forget everything.

I shldnt have do it. I shldnt be so frank to the person. I shldnt!! It seem like i the one who destroy everything. Serve mi right!! I deserve it!! At times, i reali ask myself, Pearlina are you reali that stupid and navie? So many thing happen in this few years, didnt you learnt lesson from all these? Y are you so damn idiot!!
What the use of treasure fren so much? What the point? Hw do we define friend? Hw do we define activity partner,lovers and domestic partnership? IT IS SO DAMN COMPLICATED!! I reali tired. I want to let go everything.... i dont want to torture by all this. At times, i thought of cancel off my hp line, and live in the way that i want. Only friends who want to be in contact with mi, may juz call my hse. For those who dont wish to, can just forget abt mi. I just nobody. Doesnt matter whether my appearance make any difference to anyone.

Last but not least, there is something i want to say, live happily and hope thing goes smooth for you. There isnt any wrong tht you got high expectation. There isnt right or wrong when it comes to certain things.

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