Saturday, March 21, 2009

Oversea Trip

Hi, i am back. Was away from last sunday to philipines and back today. Staying at my colleague house. I back hm at ard 5pm. The flight arrive singapore at 330pm. I will never forget the fun i have n friends i have made over there. They been a very warm and friendly people. They cook, arrange n bring us around to the famous tourist area. We went to Mount Arayat, Hundred Island, attend a feast festival, see how rice been harvest, a mango plantation, corn plantation. And most important i saw how the pple at philipines survive. People who are poor, they are really poor. They earn only 150 peiso,(which is mean sing dollars $5, if i nt wrong.) Gosh! Life at philipines is really very relaxing. 10 peiso can last them for 3 meals a day for a family.People who are rich, they are really very rich! There are a lot of beggars at the street, going around to beg for money from the local and tourist.

Nt forgetting the 3 gals sharing in a room, having so much fun during those nights. I miss the pillow fights tht we have....

One place that i will never forget is Hundred Island. The beach that is so beautiful. The water is so clear and clean. Unlike other beach i seen. Gosh. i will miss the beach. You can watch the sky full of stars at night and it is so clear and beatiful. i would recommand my friends to go if there ever a chance to go.

And 1 thing is eating thing that is byond my imagination. Imagine eating duck egg with the baby( which is nt fully develop). Gosh. I been forced to have a taste on it. Cant imagine hw i eat it. Before eating, i guess drink a bit of beers to boost up yr courage. Surprisely, it goes well with beer. awful.....

Last but not least, shopping in philipines is really damn happy! The item selling is so cheap! It is crazy! Bought some item for myself as well as my fren and family members. Some pics to share. I still a lot to gt from my colleague. If i have, will upload more. I will never forget this trip.

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